MDS 3.0 1.18.11 – Interviews
New Resident Interviews and Documentation Requirements
The transition to the Data Collection Process for the MDS 3.0 1.18.11 – October 2023 Data Set had many changes that impacted the former interviews as well as many additional new interview items. Did the IDT change some interview processes to accommodate new structure and interview items as well as add policies and procedures to document the many “ask the resident” directions in the new process? These changes required new documentation formats and training. This interactive learning program will identify all the interviews that have been adapted for the new process and fully review all of the new interview activities with the CMS directives for documentation and processes. A must do session for Operational Clinical leadership and IDT members. Case studies and data utilization will also be included.
1) Identify the specific structure of the resident interviews required in the MDS 3.0 1.18.11 data set.
2) Describe the transition changes to the former interview – pre October 1, 2023.
3) Review RAI Manual directions and definitional changes specific to the interviews.
4) Discuss the interdisciplinary approach to preparing for the new interview activity and documentation.
5) Demonstrate various approaches to training and competency to complete and document new interviews.
When: March 21, 2024 9:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Where: The Alliance Training Center
103 E. State St. Alliance, Oh 44601
Instructor: Leah Klusch, RN, BSN, FACHCA
Cost: $125.00 per person
NAB approved for 6 hours
How to register:
Call the office (330) 821-7616 or email us or